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Small Community Greenspaces

We know there are small greenspaces across the borough that could be brought back to life through community involvement. We want to work collaboratively with you to transform these spaces for your community. We even have small pots of money to help you do this!

A small greenspace could be a small grassed area, a neglected greenspace or planter, or perhaps a grassed or shrubbed area at the side of a road.

Working together on greenspace can have amazing benefits for physical and mental wellbeing as well as brightening your neighbourhood and encouraging wildlife.  

Nominations for Small Community Greenspaces are currently closed whilst we work on gardening with communities. This section page is currently for information only.

Why not check out the gardening days tab and see if there is a space near you to join in with?

Community planting at Caversham Road


How can I get involved?

There are lots of ways you can be involved. You will be able to:

  • Nominate a space you would like to be involved with
  • Choose plants 
  • Design planting 
  • Take part in community planting days
  • Skills share with other gardening groups
  • Tend, maintain and harvest!

Community planted roadside verge


What spaces are eligible?

Nominated spaces need to be pre-existing greenspace, such as:

  • A small grassed space
  • Shrubbed or grassed verge
  • A small section of a larger grassed area  

What else will influence which spaces can be involved?

Spaces need to be visible from a highway, for all to enjoy.

All spaces need to be on Council land (we can check this when you nominate)

This project doesn’t include improving tree pits (small unpaved spaces on the pavement, around the base of trees) If this is what you would like to do check out our Community Planting Streets Pilot

Your space should have the support of at least 5 residents - this is to ensure the maintenance and care does not fall on one person’s shoulders.

However, if there are fewer than 5 of you at the start, nominate anyway, as we can try and connect you with other interested residents or groups – it’s a great way of getting to know your neighbours.

The project is open to all of Haringey, but priority will be given to communities where there is less access to quality greenspace.

Please be aware you will need agree to and follow certain safety guidelines when working on council greenspace, this is particularly important when working near roads.  

You will be asked to sign that you agree to follow advised working practices and take full responsibility when working in public spaces.   Full information and guidance will be given and you will have support from the project officer.


How will it work?


  1. Nominate a space with your community or a few of your neighbours
  2. We will check the land is in Council ownership and any permissions needed.
  3. If your space is selected, we will survey the ground to see if there are any utilities restricting or preventing work.
  4. Take part in a co-design workshop with a designated Small Greenspaces Officer.  Together, you will design the layout of the space, select plants within a designated budget, agree planting day (s) and a maintenance schedule. We can also give training and advice for those groups who need a bit of extra support.
  5. We will arrange for any necessary clearance of the space and then it’s down to the exciting stuff – planting, sowing, tending to the space to nurture growth and transform it into a space for your community to enjoy!
  6. At the end of the process, we will celebrate your success together and get your feedback and views on how you feel the project has worked for you and your community.

GET STARTED by nominating your greenspace here

Community planted wildflowers